NewFast English – Book 3


She knows that she ......................... to pay now.

Correct! Wrong!

There are plenty of tomatoes in the fridge. You ......................... buy any.

Correct! Wrong!

It’s a hospital. You ......................... smoke.

Correct! Wrong!

You have a terrible fever! ......................... call the doctor?

Correct! Wrong!

What’s the better option completes the sentence?
When I was a child my father ......................... give me lots of toys on Christmas.

Correct! Wrong!

Choose the best option to complete the sentence?
I ......................... love her.

Correct! Wrong!

Which sentence is correct?

Correct! Wrong!

Elizabeth ......................... the restaurant after she ......................... eating.

Correct! Wrong!

Change the following sentence to the Passive Voice:
Did the army surround the city?

Correct! Wrong!

Indicate the alternative that expresses the same meaning:
When children watch TV, they encounter a wide range of places, people and information.

Correct! Wrong!

Érico Veríssimo is a writer ......................... style I appreciate very much.

Correct! Wrong!

My oldest sister, ......................... books you borrowed, is looking for you.

Correct! Wrong!

Go and find the driver ......................... arrived here yesterday.

Correct! Wrong!

Her brother'ss restaurant, ......................... is easy to find, has excellent food.

Correct! Wrong!

She avoided ......................... him about her plans.

Correct! Wrong!

If he ......................... (get) back late, I ......................... (be) angry.

Correct! Wrong!

If he ......................... (be) younger, he ......................... (travel) more.

Correct! Wrong!

If I ......................... (have) enough money, I ......................... (buy) a big house.

Correct! Wrong!

If they ......................... to bed early yesterday, they ......................... up late today.

Correct! Wrong!

Although robots have made great strides in manufacturing, where tasks are repetitive, they are still no match for humans, who can grasp things and move about effortlessly in the physical world.
Designing a robot to mimic the basic capabilities of motion and perception would be revolutionary, researchers say, with applications stretching from care for the elderly to returning overseas manufacturing operations to the United States (albeit with fewer workers).
Yet the challenges remain immense, far higher than artificial intelligence obstacles like speaking and hearing. "All these problems where you want to duplicate something biology does, such as perception, touch, planning or grasping, turn out to be hard in fundamental ways," said Gary Bradski, a vision specialist at Willow Garage, a robot development company based in Silicon Valley. "It’s always surprising, because humans can do so much effortlessly."
Available in:, July 11th, 2011. Adapted.

De acordo com o texto, o especialista Gary Bradski afirma que:

Correct! Wrong!

Horse or Cow
Prior to taking retirement and selling off his land, a farmer needed to get rid of all the animals he owned, so he decided to call on every house in his village. At houses where the man was the boss, he gave a horse; at houses where the woman was the boss, he gave a dairy cow. Approaching one cottage, he saw a couple gardening and called out, "Who"s the boss around here?"

"I am," said the man.
The farmer said: "I have a black horse and a brown horse. Which one would you like?"
The man thought for a minute and said, "The black one."
"No, no, get the brown one," said his wife.
The farmer said, "Here"s your cow."
TIBBALLS, G. The book of senior jokes. Great Britain: Michael O'Mara, 2009 (adapted).

O texto relata o caso de um fazendeiro prestes a se aposentar e vender sua fazenda. O aspecto cômico desse texto provém da:

Correct! Wrong!

Humans have probably been drinking milk for as long as they have been on earth. People who study the history of the world have found pictures from long, long ago that show people milking cows and using the milk for food. Milk is the first food of babies. Animals that produce milk to feed their babies are called mammals. Their mother’s milk is usually the best food for all young mammals. The milk that people in America drink every day comes from cows, although many people prefer to drink the milk of goats. These two animals produce more milk than what their own babies need, and farmers collect the milk to sell it. In other countries, people also drink the milk of camels, horses, yaks, reindeer, sheep, and water buffaloes. Milk is sometimes called the most nearly perfect food. It contains many of the things that humans need for healthy bodies, such as calcium, phosphorous, and protein. Milk also has several necessary vitamins and is easily digested by most humans. Another reason milk is such a good food is because some of its ingredients are found nowhere else in nature. The one problem milk has is that it contains a lot of animal fat. This is good for young children, but not for adults. Foods with too much fat cause adults to have heart disease. Sometimes the fatty part of milk, the cream, is removed. This milk is called low-fat milk or skim milk. The cream that is removed from the milk is used to make ice cream and other foods. Milk is also used to make butter, cheese, and other dairy foods that people enjoy. Besides being an important food, milk also provides chemicals that can be turned into other products. These chemicals are used to make paint, glue, cloth, and plastic.
(Spectrunn Test Prep)

(UFLA MG) What is a word from the text that means “something made from other things”?

Correct! Wrong!

Apuri, Brazil - Many Brazilians have regarded the Amazon jungle as a barrier to progress that should be replaced as quickly as possible with ranches and farms. But in this remote corner of Brazil's most isolated state, people increasingly see the (ref. 02) rain forest as a solution to the region's chronic poverty. In one sign of change, peasants are being encouraged to cultivate rubber and Brazil nut trees, the twin pillars of the economy here before major deforestation began in the 1970's. Seeking to capitalize on (ref. 01) the growing market in Brazil and abroad for environmentally friendly products, forest dwellers have also formed cooperatives that have begun to produce high-end furniture, medicines derived from local plants and even condoms.
(CNN website – September, 2002).

(UFLA MG) In (ref.02) the phrase "rain forest" refers to:

Correct! Wrong!

Being an international couple, one from England and the other from Brazil, makes Mike and Simone's relationship very interesting. Talking about her experience in a foreign country, she says:
“There are some cultural differences that we had to learn day after day. We still have a lot more to find out, and I consider it to enrich both of us. I have to admit that I used to “compare” our differences and it could cause arguments sometimes, so I realised we should try to ‘understand´ the differences instead. Now the differences are something that we see as a normal thing, they just don’t bother us anymore. The main ‘problem’ in our relationship is definitely the language. Portuguese isn’t a popular language and it means our communication is in English. But my English isn’t that good and I still have a lot to learn... so sometimes we can’t understand or misunderstand each other. It’s hard when I try to explain something and just can’t talk in my language. But I do hope one day I will understand all the slang he says and everything else.”
Adapted from

(UFPB): The sentence “one day I will understand all the slang he says and everything else” means that Simone will definitely:

Correct! Wrong!

"BEIJING (Reuters) China's Wolong Giant Panda Reserve has had a baby boom with six cubs born in four days, scientists said on Friday.
Ten-year-old mother Bai Xue (White Snow) bore twins last Sunday and two days later a female known as Number 20 had a cub. Another set of twins and a single cub were born on Thursday, the panda researchers said. The cubs were in good health and receiving round-the-clock care at the 494,200-acre reserve in the southwestern province of Sichuan, they added. The giant panda is China's national symbol. But it is an endangered species, with just 1,000 animals believed to exist in the wild, where they are threatened by human encroachment and the rampant logging that has plagued China's forests.”
(From the Internet,, September 9th, 2000). (UFPE): In "The cubs were in good health and receiving round-the-clock care..." the expression "round-the-clock" is equivalent to:3

Correct! Wrong!

NewFast English - Book 3
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Parabéns!!! Você alcançou todos os níveis! Não pare de estudar!

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