Happy Journey – Book 5


Check the alternative in which the verb in Simple Past Tense is conjugated correctly:

Correct! Wrong!

Our classes ________________ last week.

Correct! Wrong!

I am _________________ to visit mother.

Correct! Wrong!

Mary: "I am about to fall asleep. I need to wake up!"
Clare: "I______you some coffee."

Correct! Wrong!

Assinale a alternativa que expressa um Comparativo de Igualdade.

Correct! Wrong!

This cellphone is not Mark's, it's...

Correct! Wrong!

Na frase: "He was waiting for us.", o pronome "us" se refere a:

Correct! Wrong!

Uma campanha pode ter por objetivo conscientizar a população sobre determinada questão social. Na campanha realizada no Reino Unido, a frase “A third of the food we buy in the UK ends up being thrown away” foi utilizada para enfatizar o(a)

Correct! Wrong!

Segundo o estudo sobre “Past Continuous”, qual das alternativas a seguir está nesse tempo verbal da língua inglesa?

Correct! Wrong!

Choose the grammatically CORRECT proposition to complete the blanks in the following sentence:
If he ____________ the basics of computers, he ____________ a better student.

Correct! Wrong!

Happy Journey - Book 5
: ( You haven't reached the 75% required, you will not be able to change books. You stay in Happy Journey Book 5!
Você não atingiu o 75% exigido, você não será capaz de mudar de livro. Você permanecerá no Happy Journey Book 5!
Congratulations!!! You've reached all levels! Don't stop studying! : )
Parabéns!!! Você alcançou todos os níveis! Não pare de estudar!

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