Happy Journey – Book 4


They __________________ good jobs.

Correct! Wrong!

John likes _______________ brother.

Correct! Wrong!

Assinale a alternativa que apresenta a pergunta correta para a resposta dada:
____________________ - Yes, I did.

Correct! Wrong!

Qual a alternativa utiliza o verbo TO HAVE corretamente:

Correct! Wrong!

Assinale o plural correto:

Correct! Wrong!

Which of the following expressions is used correctly?

Correct! Wrong!

There are beautiful flowers in the…

Correct! Wrong!

Qual é a alternativa que apresenta apenas advérbios de frequência?

Correct! Wrong!

What’s going on with you?
I’m feeling a ___________.

Correct! Wrong!

This is a __________________.

Correct! Wrong!

Happy Journey - Book 4
: ( You haven't reached the 75% required, you will not be able to change books. You stay in Happy Journey Book 4!
Você não atingiu o 75% exigido, você não será capaz de mudar de livro. Você permanecerá no Happy Journey Book4!
: ) You are fit for the next level, Happy Journey Book 5!
Você está aprovado para o próximo nível, Happy Journey Book 5!

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