Happy Journey - Book 3


The sentence “She is beautiful” In the Negative form is:

Correct! Wrong!

Usamos a preposição AT na indicação de:

Correct! Wrong!

The sentence “It is a black cat” in the Interrogative form is:

Correct! Wrong!

Assinale a alternativa correta quanto ao uso da preposição:

Correct! Wrong!

O dia da semana “Saturday” fica entre:

Correct! Wrong!

Our President ___________________ Japan now.

Correct! Wrong!

Assinale a alternativa que apresenta a resposta adequada para a pergunta: What do you do after lunch?

Correct! Wrong!

Wilson _________________ football in the garden on Saturdays.

Correct! Wrong!

How do you say “100” in English?

Correct! Wrong!

Which animal is this?

Correct! Wrong!

Happy Journey - Book 3
: ( You haven't reached the 75% required, you will not be able to change books. You stay in Happy Journey Book 3!
Você não atingiu o 75% exigido, você não será capaz de mudar de livro. Você permanecerá no Happy Journey Book 3!
: ) You are fit for the next level, Happy Journey Book 4!
Você está aprovado para o próximo nível, Happy Journey Book 4!